
Travel Vaccinations


Travel Vaccinations

Planning a trip abroad? Ensure you're protected with our comprehensive travel vaccination service at M W Phillips.

We offer a wide range of vaccinations, including essential malaria tablets, to keep you safe wherever your journey takes you.

Your first consultation is completely FREE! Our expert pharmacists will assess your travel plans and recommend the necessary vaccinations and medications tailored to your destination.

Stay protected and travel with confidence — Book with us today!

Book a Travel Vaccination Now

Vaccination Price Guide

Vaccine Description Doses Required Price per Dose (£)
DTP VaccineDiphtheria, Tetanus & Polio1 dose£25
Hepatitis A VaccineProtects against Hepatitis A virus1 dose£50
Hepatitis B VaccineProtects against Hepatitis B virus3 doses£35
Typhoid VaccinePrevents Typhoid fever1 dose£30
Meningitis VaccineProtects against Meningococcal disease1 dose£60
Rabies VaccineProtection against Rabies virus3 doses£75
Cholera VaccinePrevents Cholera infection2 doses£45
Japanese EncephalitisProtects against Japanese Encephalitis2 doses£105

Malaria Tablets Price Guide

Tablets Dosing Schedule Price per Tablet (£)
Malarone Adult2 days before, during and 7 days after£3
Malarone Paediatric2 days before, during and 7 days after£1.15
Doxycycline2 days before, during and 28 days after£1
